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Showing posts from October, 2019

Open letter to “addiction”

Me writing this to “you” is probably more for me than it is for you. At this point, I don’t even know if you will ever read it.  Most of my friends and family hated that I was with you, some even quit having much to do with me, because of me sticking around so long. Maybe this will give them insight into my “why”.   Although I’ve had my heart broken many times, I always try to live for the moment, not for the past. I might give more chances to people than they deserve, but that’s just who I am, I see the good in people even when they can’t see it in themselves.  You came into my life when I wasn’t looking, and we were both hurt. We both needed something, but neither of us knew what that something was. We had the best time, laughing and joking and making each other smile.  The first time I met you we sat in the living room talking and laughing most of the night. One of our very first dates was even to Chuck E Cheese, “where a kid can be a kid”. Things were so good between us.